
The black water birds seen swimming low in the water, with just their head and neck sticking out, are cormorants--the pelican's smaller relative. Its pouch is used for capturing and holding fish. Unlike pelicans, however, cormorants dive below the water for their fish. They have many adaptations for flying underwater to catch fish - good underwater eye-sight, sealed nostrils, long rudder-like tails, and a lack of buoyancy. Cormorants have been known to dive as deep as 90 feet! You can see two kinds of cormorants along the road - the small slender, Neotropic Cormorants and the larger Double-crested Cormorants. Neotropical cormorants have a longer tail, slimmer bill, and a dull yellow throat pouch with a white border during the breeding season. Double-crested Cormorants often have a bright yellow pouch, larger bill, thicker neck and a relatively shorter tail. See if you can pick out both kinds of cormorants swimming along the road!
